Zaza Tavadze

Zaza Tavadze
Date of Birth: February 9, 1975; Zestaphoni
Marital Status: Married, has three children
Foreign Languages: Russian, English, German
October, 2016 – 2020 President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia
2010-2016 Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia
Since March 30, 2010 Member of the Constitutional Court of Georgia (he started to exercise the authority of the Judge on June 15, 2010 from the day of oath-taking)
Other activities at the Constitutional Court of Georgia:
January 2018 – January 2019 Chairman of the Association of Constitutional Justice of the
Countries of the Baltic and Black Sea Regions (BBCJ);
2018-2020 Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Law Journal;
2016-2017 Chairman of the Conference of the European Constitutional
Courts (CECC)
Academic position:
Professor at the School of Law of Grigol Robakidze University
Public Activity:
2008-2010 Deputy Minister of Justice of Georgia;
2007-2008 Chairman of Human Resources department of the Office of Prosecutor General of Georgia;
2004-2007 Deputy Chairman of Human Resources department of the Office of Prosecutor General of Georgia;
2004 Head of the Parliamentary Relations and Legislative Activities Department at
the Ministry of Refugees and Accommodation of Georgia
2000-2004 A Leading Specialist at the Legal Sector of the Public Servants’ Financial and Property Status Bureau;
1999-2000 Advisor of the Ministry of Justice Imereti Regional Service for local self-governing bodies at the Ministry of Justice of Georgia;
1999 Lawyer and then the Head of Organizational (the representative of self-governing body) Department of Zestaphoni Sakrebulo.
The limits of the adversarial principle in criminal cases: review of the decision of the Constitutional Court of Georgia of September 29, 2015 (see link -;
Acquisition of the right of ownership on immovable property – constitutional balance between the interests of primary owner and purchaser in good faith (bona fide purchaser). Review of the decision of the Constitutional Court of Georgia of October 17, 2017 (N3/4/550) (see link -;
A Priori Model of Constitutionality Review in Georgia: Systemic Aspects and Potential Shortcomigs (See link -;
The Proportionality Analysis in the Georgian Constitutional Jurisprudence and the Prospects of Rationality Review (See link -;
Editor of the Book – The Policy of Human Rights Protection in the European Union Law;
A member of the Editorial Board of the International Scientific Journal “The Legal Herald”.
109th Plenary Session of the Venice Commission. Presentation on the development of the Constitutional Justice in Georgia (9-10.12.2016);
International Conference “Evolution of the Constitutional Control in Europe: Lessons Learned and New Challenges”. Presentation on the Institutional Dialogue between the Constitutional Court of Georgia and the European Court of Human Rights (02.03.2017 Chișinău, Republic of Moldova);
Presentation at the International Conference “Interaction between Constitutional Courts and Similar Jurisdictions and Ordinary Courts” (04.04.2017, Cyprus);
The Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa (CCJA) on the theme “Promoting the independence of the judiciary and the Rule of Law”. Presentation delivered as the Chairman of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts on the responsibility of the judges for safeguarding democracy, rule of law and human rights in their respective countries while exercising judicial function (24.04.2017; Cape-Town, South Africa);
II Congress of the Association of Constitutional Justice of the Countries of the Baltic and Black Sea Regions (BBCJ). Presentation on the International Aspects of the Constitutional Justice, in particular application of the standards of the International Law in the case law of the Constitutional Court of Georgia (02.06.2017; Kharkov);
Conference International Conference “The role of the Constitutional Courts of Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Lithuania and Ukraine in Ensuring the Implementation and Protection of the Principles of the Rule of Law in the Context of Regional Challenges”. Presentation on the importance of the rule of law principle and its role in the process of constitutional adjudication (24.10.2017; Vilnius);
III Congress of the Association of Constitutional Justice of the Countries of the Baltic and Black Sea Regions (BBCJ). Speech on the aims of the Association (16.05.2018; Tbilisi);
Forum with the participation of the Presidents of the member courts of the Association of Constitutional Justice of the Countries of the Baltic and Black Sea Regions (BBCJ). Report on the issues of the Independence of the Constitutional Courts (24.10.2018; Vilnius);
XXI International Congress on European and Comparative Constitutional Law. Presentation on the activity of the Constitutional Court of Georgia and its role in the process of strengthening the rule of law in Georgia (19.02.2019; Madrid);
XIX Eurasian Multidisciplinary Forum. Presentation about the role of the Constitutional Court of Georgia in the process of EU integration and approximation of the national legal system with the EU Law: A Georgian Perspective (04.09.2019; Batumi);
A high-level Forum dedicated the 30th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Speech on the changes occurring in Central and Eastern Europe Countries during 90s (08.11.2019; Berlin).
• PhD studies in Public Law at Law Faculty of Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, 2019
• PhD Studies at the School of Law of Grigol Robakidze University, 2017
Dissertation Thesis – A Priori Constitutionality Review in Georgia: Institutional Characteristics and Potential Challenges
• Tbilisi State University of Economic Relations, 2008-2010
Master’ Degree at the Faculty of Business and Management Program;
Specialty – International Business Administration;
Master’s Thesis: International Trade with technologies and its legal aspects.
• Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Law, 2001-2002
German Language Master's Degree
• Open Humanitarian University of Georgia, 1996
Master’s Degree in Law
Specialty: Law
Qualification: Lawyer
Qualification Paper: Juvenile Criminal Responsibility
• Ilia Abuladze High School, 1992
Zestaphoni district, village Zeda Sakara
Other educational activity:
2007-2008 EC - Tbilisi School of Political Studies, Tbilisi, Georgia - Strasbourg, France
Presidential Order of Excellence – Decree issued on October 15, 2013.